Ever thought of the Magi? Before now I didn’t give their story much thought and I had no idea who they were. The Magi were the Wise Men of the East and were greatly respected among the Jews. They were gentiles who believed in a Supreme Deity who manifested himself in the elements (fire, water, etc.) and even had former connections with the prophet Daniel! They had all kinds of non-Jewish superstitions especially in astrology, including that the positioning of a certain star would announce the birth of the King of Jews.
Once the star started moving in the sky, the Magi embarked on a journey, following the star to where it stopped. Upon stopping, they were overwhelmed with joy as they entered the barn where Jesus lay, newly born. They greeted Him in worship. How amazing is it that Jesus' first visitors were GENTILES? Or the fact that with the grains of truth in their religious practice, they found Christ? Or that their first response to Him was WORSHIP?!
Take a moment to reflect on the Magi’s journey to a personal encounter with Jesus and try to connect it to your own.
Jesus, during this time of Advent, help me to remember that nothing can separate me from Your love. Wherever I am on my journey towards You, help me to me to meet you with an overwhelming joy. By your Grace, create in me a heart of worship. Let me encounter You in a deeper, personal way.
All paths of Truth lead to You, and as I draw closer to You, help me to bring others with me. Guide all of those who are continuously seeking Your love. Let this time of Advent and Christmas be an opportunity for me to be Your instrument in bringing them to You. May they encounter You and proclaim You as Lord, as I will do for all of eternity.
All glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Once the star started moving in the sky, the Magi embarked on a journey, following the star to where it stopped. Upon stopping, they were overwhelmed with joy as they entered the barn where Jesus lay, newly born. They greeted Him in worship. How amazing is it that Jesus' first visitors were GENTILES? Or the fact that with the grains of truth in their religious practice, they found Christ? Or that their first response to Him was WORSHIP?!
Take a moment to reflect on the Magi’s journey to a personal encounter with Jesus and try to connect it to your own.
Jesus, during this time of Advent, help me to remember that nothing can separate me from Your love. Wherever I am on my journey towards You, help me to me to meet you with an overwhelming joy. By your Grace, create in me a heart of worship. Let me encounter You in a deeper, personal way.
All paths of Truth lead to You, and as I draw closer to You, help me to bring others with me. Guide all of those who are continuously seeking Your love. Let this time of Advent and Christmas be an opportunity for me to be Your instrument in bringing them to You. May they encounter You and proclaim You as Lord, as I will do for all of eternity.
All glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Fr. Robert Baron said on Catholicism: the magi had to return by a different route to go home, because after experiencing Christ, they were not the same, they had to take a different route. Let's be like the magi this year! When we visit Christ, let us not leave the manger by the same route. :)