So a priest was sharing how a few years ago, he realised on Boxing Day that he’d missed Christmas. He felt like he had just lived off of other people’s energies for the past Advent Season, and so he’d missed it. Makes sense?
I’ll use an analogy from my experience that hopefully clarifies. I’m afraid you’ll think it’s silly, but it works for me. I have a few beautiful people in my life that LOVE to hug. And so when I see them here and there, I am the sole recipient of love and attention for a few, few moments . But this is usually during the school day, I’m usually tired and blah, and I completely miss it. I miss the love in that action and move on. It’s recently that I stopped and realised I’d taken this for granted. That maybe a hug back was what they needed too? Maybe? Maybe.
And it’s the same with life and these beautiful seasons the Church offers us. I am tired of just going through the motions, being passively involved- being a dispassionate Catholic. Apathetic. Blah.
AND SO I WANT TO REALLY LIVE THIS ADVENT. Prepare myself for His coming. Realign and recommit and reflect. At Christmas, when the Church rejoices and exults that God would be man, that the Kingdom would come, that He would love us enough- I want to be right in on the action.
So this season I’m trying to cut away a few of my attachments. To spend a little more time in love and prayer. Trying to be in the world, but not of this world. I challenge you to do the same!
And really, I think perhaps Advent is just a small sense of how we’re supposed to live. In joyful expectation that He’s coming back for me. This will not end in vain, He will come in all His power and majesty and glory- and He will reign.
May our joy be overflowing and captivating, our longing be deep-yet sure.
Come Lord Jesus!
(eeeeee, I can’t wait! haha)
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